2 Years Warranty? How can we say that?

As teknotel we produce our products according to ISO standards. Regulations related to plating have been made due to  standard of ISO 1456 2009.

In the article 5.3 of ISO 1456:2009 the environment usage  of the products have been indicated .Environment number 2 is for kitchen and bathroom, environment number 3 is the environment where it is exposed  to rain and humidity from time to time.

In the tests carried out according to the corrosion test specified in the table of no 6 of the ISO 1456 :2009 standard, the prieods of no corrosion in the test product were determined. For the environment number 2 48 hours SALT TEST period is stipulated in the test. We can give 2 YEARS WARRANTY for the products that pass the test.

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